On April 16, 2015 the Consul General of Ukraine in San Francisco participated in the Conference "Frozen Conflicts" held in Los Angeles.
This Conference was organized by the Chapman University, Loyola Marymount University, University of Southern California, the Atlantic Council and the World Affairs Council in Los Angeles. Over a hundred representatives of the diplomatic community and leading research institutions throughout the US and other countries participated in this event. The Conference composed of 5 panel discussions, during which territorial disputes and frozen conflicts discussed: 1) Moldova, Georgia and Ukraine; 2) Armenia, Azerbaijan and Nagorno-Karabakh; 3) Ireland; 4) Kashmir; 5) Korea.
During the first panel discussion Consul General of Ukraine in his presentation and subsequent discussion highlighted the current the situation in the east of Ukraine, informed of the measures taken by the leadership of the state and government to the resolve the conflict peacefully by diplomatic means, and the inadmissibility of the ongoing Russian aggression and violation of fundamental principles of international law by Russia. An assignment of the UN or/and the EU peacekeeping to Ukraine was also underlined. In addition, the head of the consular post stressed the need of full implementation of Minsk agreements by both Russia and its illegal armed formations (IAF). Failure by the Russian party and its IAF to fulfill appropriate arrangements or delay in their implementation, observed in recently, the international community must strengthen sanctions against aggressors.
Key signals of the Ukrainian party to regarding condemnation and appeasement of the Russian military aggression as well as a solution of the conflict in the East of our country proposed by the President of Ukraine were welcomed by foreign partners and participants of the Conference.